Des Moines Roller Derby
Des Moines, IA, US
Not regionally ranked
NA West
Did you know? Des Moines's highest ever regional ranking was 12th in Mar 2017
Best-Ever Result
Best-Ever Result
This is the best result, in game points, ever achieved by this team. Game points are calculated from the strength of the opposition. The stronger the other team, the more game points can be achieved. More info on this can be found in the WFTDA Rankings Policy.
Best-Ever Result
This is the best result, in game points, ever achieved by this team. Game points are calculated from the strength of the opposition. The stronger the other team, the more game points can be achieved. More info on this can be found in the WFTDA Rankings Policy.
May 14 2016
Closest Ever Game
Aug 18 2018
2018 WFTDA Continental Cup East
Biggest Rival
Biggest Rival
This is the team that Des Moines has played more than anyone else in their history!
Biggest Rival
This is the team that Des Moines has played more than anyone else in their history!
9 Wins
9 Games
0 Losses
NA West season in numbers
Pts for
Pts against